Own Your Happiness

We all look for our happiness in external factors. I’ll be happy when I get a better job, I’ll be happy when I own a house, I’ll be happy when I have a bigger car, I’ll be happy when my kids are settled, I’ll be happy when I have a big social circle, I’ll be happy when my parents give me that property… and so on and so forth. There is this long list of expectations from life, conditions to our happiness, that we chase. Does it really make us happy though?


The problem is that the list keeps growing. As soon as you achieve something on that list, you add 5 more things TO it. It never ends. And so you keep pushing your happiness for another day.

Happiness should not be conditional. Happiness is already within your reach. All you need to do is own it.

Take a relook at your list, and see how many of those things really matter. What happens if you don’t achieve those things? Will you be eternally unhappy? What’s the worst that can happen? And then weigh it against the toll that pursuit is taking on your happiness today.

Does chasing a bigger car stop you from taking that walk in the park today – drop it. ❌

Does wanting to own a bigger house make you spend all your waking hours in the office today – drop it. ❌

Does wanting that inheritance sour your moments with your parents – drop it. ❌

Things don’t matter. People do. Moments do. Memories do.

Make the most of today, and happiness will be yours for the asking.

Stop standing in the way of your own happiness.

2 thoughts on “Own Your Happiness

  1. Very good reminders, it is easy to forget these when pursuing material pleasures. Unfortnately, it is only when we experience loss that we truly appreciate the gifts of health and meaningful relationships.

    Liked by 1 person

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